Attention should also be paid to the construction techniques for strengthening the lawn with glue coated lines of artificial lawn

来源:  时间:2019-12-03

Artificial turf is now a common decoration in the city, and the glue coating line of artificial turf provides guarantee for the turf, which will not fall off prematurely. Artificial turf can bring users a comfortable experience to a certain extent and reduce people's foot and knee injuries; At the same time, the artificial turf materials are safe and environmentally friendly, and the appearance is beautiful. However, during the construction and installation of high-quality artificial turf, we should also do a good job in paving, lawn bonding and other details to make the lawn have a longer service life!

1. Glue coating: it is required to use a glue applicator to paint on the surface, with uniform thickness, and it is not allowed to repeatedly apply glue, otherwise blistering or even falling will occur. The adhesive applicator shall be used for the base cloth, and the thickness of glue shall be strictly controlled. Attention shall be paid to the proper speed of glue application. When applying glue, it shall be applied to the two bonded surfaces respectively.

2. Bonding: according to the actual influence of the temperature, humidity, air pressure and other conditions at that time, reasonably control the drying time. Generally, within 10-30 minutes after gluing, the glue should be 80% or 90% dry and not sticky when touched by hand. It is required to use a joint sealer. During bonding, it is required to align and stick firmly at one time. Never move the bonded object back after bonding.


3. Pressurization: after bonding, remove the sundries on the surface, and use a special rubber hammer to hammer from the bonding point to both sides, so that the surface is fully contacted and compacted, and the bonding is more firm.

4. Curing: the curing time is generally three days, and the final strength is generally ten days. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to its maintenance during curing to avoid excessive exposure, water immersion and movement, so as to achieve a better bonding state. After bonding, before quartz sand and rubber particles are sprinkled, imported cleaners must be used to clean the cut pieces of turf on the artificial turf.

It should be noted that the glue has a time limit and will not be stuck well all the time. The lawn should be fixed before the glue dries. During the construction of artificial turf, it should be noted that during the bonding construction of artificial turf, it is not allowed to expose the adhesive for too long, because the volatilization of solvent will cause the viscosity to be too high and the construction cannot be carried out. If the temperature is too low, hot water can be heated to 15-20 ℃ to restore the original state, and the performance remains unchanged.





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